
Our Words Matter

I recently had the privilege of talking with Adam Glennon, the author of Why Do They Always Shout? A Dad’s Perspective. The book, whilst Adam professes it to be the very antithesis of a parenting manual, does offer thought-provoking stories about many elements of parenting, from being sleep-deprived, to baby-wearing, to navigating lock-down as a parent. One theme I was particularly drawn to was Adam’s awareness of the language we use with our children, and much it can impact upon on them, as well as the importance of encouraging appropriate risk-taking and opportunities.

Children's Mental Health Week 2021

The theme for this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week is “Express Yourself”. Self-expression is hugely important for our mental health and emotional wellbeing. It allows us to communicate our thoughts and feelings, share our identity, our story, our individuality. So how do we encourage our children to express themselves?

Ten Ways To Calm An Anxious Child

“How do I calm my anxious child?”, is a question so many parents want answering. To see your child in distress, unable to speak, withdrawing from friendships, activities, or refusing to go to school, can be heartbreaking, and often parents feel helpless. Here are my top ten suggestions for helping your anxious child feel calmer (you might find they help you, too!)

Supporting Your Child's Emotional Development

A question I am often asked is, “how can I help my child?”. Parents who bring their children to me for counselling want to know that their child can talk to someone in confidence and receive support, but also want to know how they can support their child as well.

Here are my 6 tips for supporting your child emotionally …